As children, we buy into the beliefs of our parents. Sometimes those beliefs can be real downers such as: “life never promised you a rose garden,” or “you only get ahead from hard work and effort,” or “ I’m always waiting for the other shoe to fall,” or bad things always happen to us.”
In my family, the belief was the ‘hard work and effort’ litany of good German stock immigrants.
Sure enough, a large part of my life has been hard work and effort, not because the validity of that belief, but because I bought into that belief.I had a revelation several years ago that “life’s lessons can be learned with ease and grace.” I’ve been reflecting on that thought and, slowly, it has been integrating into my belief system. The result? … my life has gotten easier and more joyful.
Last week I wrote about accessing your Inner Wisdom. By allowing space in your life for quiet moments, you gain access to the more reflective and wiser part of your mind. In our fast-paced results-oriented society, you may think you are getting a lot done.
You could be even more innovative and productive, however, if you gave yourself permission to rest more and reflect.
Then you could have more “revelations.”
Revelations are messages from your Inner Wisdom which is directly connected to the highest source of consciousness in the universe. Some might call this consciousness Higher Power, God, Goddess,
the Divine, The All That Is.
The Divine communicates to us through our Inner Wisdom, which is sometimes called the Higher Self or the Wise Mind.
One way you can actively engage our Inner Wisdom is to stop and take a step back when you are faced with a challenging situation. Then you can view the situation from a larger perspective. Going through two divorces and raising two sons (who, though awesome men now of whom I’m very proud, were more than a bit of a hand full as teenagers) was tough! At that time, life was pretty miserable. I thought life was nothing but
drama, pain, and struggle.
Eventually, I was able to step back and view my life from the big picture. What I saw was not a wretched dead-beat drama queen, but a woman who faced many difficult challenges, including her own vulnerabilities and character flaws, from which she learned invaluable life lessons. It was a time of huge personal and spiritual growth.
Now, I not only draw on my training, education and skills when I work with my clients or mentor women in my group work, but I also have a vast storehouse of life experience and understanding from which to tap into. My life was not just a miserable existence; it was
my training ground preparing me for my life’s work.
You actively engage your Inner Wisdom when you step back from any situation and ask,
“What can I learn from this situation?”
or “What good thing can come out of this situation?”
I’ve come to realize that we didn’t incarnate to carouse in the “Rose Garden.” We came here to learn some pretty important lessons during our embodied walk upon this earth-plane. You can learn those lessons with a lot more ease and grace, however, if you take time to stop and rest. Give yourself some quiet time to reflect and allow your Inner Wisdom to come through.
This will enable you to step back and ask the serious questions
of “Why is this happening?” Be honest with yourself as you
search within for the answers. Then you can reap the reward – the gold nugget – the lessons you can learn from your experience.
Look for my article next week on “Accessing Your Inner Wisdom Part Three” in which I will share more tips me on how to actively engage with
your Inner Wisdom to enhance your life.
If you feel you are stuck in the drama and misery of your life and can’t find your way out, then give me a call today and request a 30-minute complimentary consultation. You deserve a more joyful and
Partners in Education:
Reverend Joy Reichard, M.A., C.C., H.T
Reverend Joy Reichard has a Masters in Women’s Spirituality, author of
Celebrate the Divine Feminine; Reclaim Your Power with Ancient Goddess Wisdom,
founder and facilitator of In Her Name Circles
(sacred women’s circles honoring the sacred feminine within and without),
founder of Persephone’s Journey; a Wisdom School for Awakening Women,
Transformational Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Interfaith Minister, and Spiritual Guidance
Please visit our website to see the courses
taught by Reverend Joy Reichard, M.A., C.C., H.T. that are accepted for the
Joy Reichard, M.A.
Agent of Transformation
Empowerment Coach
Clinical Alchemical Hypnotherpist
2555 Flores Street #300
San Mateo, CA 94403