Along a Coastal Road

Along a Coastal Road
Photo by Reverend Steve Waites

Friday, September 28, 2018

A Time For Reflection

Fall which begins at the festival of Lammas or first harvest , finally brings us back full circle to the ancient new year. The fiery aspects that were so apparent during the long hot summer months are beginning to the wane. The toil of harvesting the crops is in full swing, for it is now a race against time as the days become shorter and the first chill winds from the north begin to make their presence known.

Autumn can be an enigmatic time of the year, when we find ourselves caught between the extremes of movement and rest. It is also a season of intense color as the trees shed their leaves and life slowly slips back into that secret realm of silence that is invisible to the human eye. We know in our hearts that all life must surrender, even humankind, because the cycle of outward action and creation is complete.

We are within the twilight realm and it is now an appropriate time to look back over the year to honestly review our achievements.  Thus we learn, and from learning comes a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship to others in the community at large.

To be in right relationship with our environment and to be at peace is in fact our divine
birthright , for we tend to live in a society which puts much emphasis on filling every hour of every day with some seemingly useful activity, that we very soon arrive at a point where it becomes almost impossible to just let go and be at rest. 

Would it not be wonderful to just love life and regain the ability to indulge in the innocence and joy that is understood so well by our inner-child.  Great teachers and Sages throughout the ages have taught that the most powerful force in the universe is love and to understand and embrace love will set us free. In becoming free we learn to forgive ourselves and in forgiving ourselves we make room to forgive others who are of course the reflections and mirrors of the self.

Thus there is no such thing as co-incidence, in this or for that matter any other world, for we are contained within a vast interconnected web of energy.  By looking beyond the duality of the physical realm we begin to understand that it is the absolute purity of the soul that allows
each of us to be at one with the God, Goddess, all that is and all that will ever be.

First draft 1996 updated September 2018

Reverend Steve Waites, M.Th
Sacred Foundations, Inc.
Trustee, Instructor

Reverend Waites has spent a lifetime studying sacred geometry,
leylines and indigenous cultures and rituals.

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