Along a Coastal Road

Along a Coastal Road
Photo by Reverend Steve Waites

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Spring and the Green Man

For our ancestors, many elemental spirits were associated with nature, wildlife, and plant growth.

Historically the Green Man, typically portrayed as a human face surrounded by dense foliage, symbolized the life that is found within the plant world, and in the earth itself.

The Green Man dates back to pre-Christian times, but many churches built in middle ages Europe still featured this elemental deity cunningly hidden, by stone masons within the framework of Gothic cathedrals and churches. 

As the old ways merged with the new it was understood that a deep bond still existed between the human and natural worlds, a relationship that would upon reflection, be mutually beneficial to the well-being of all within the fundamental cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Many indigenous cultures view the Earth as a cosmic hoop, or circle if you will. The circle is an extremely ancient symbol, associated with the earth Mother and sky Father, and embodies the concept of wholeness and completion within the natural world.

Photograph by Reverend Steve Waites

There are four main directions located at the cardinal points around this sacred circle.  In the northern hemisphere, Winter traditionally sits in the north and is associated with the requirement that all of nature undertake a quiet period of rest and reflection. Next we move to the East, the place of the rising Sun, the element of Air and the season known as Spring.

There are four main directions located at the cardinal points around this sacred circle.  In the northern hemisphere, Winter traditionally sits in the north and is associated with the requirement that all of nature undertake a quiet period of rest and reflection. Next we move to the East, the place of the rising Sun, the element of Air and the season known as Spring.

With the arrival of expansive atmospheric quality of Spring, the pulse of life quickens which naturally leads some to consider releasing that which no longer serves them, whether it be  mentally, emotionally or physically as we collectively go forward with a lightness of heart at this time of new beginnings, creative pursuits, hope, joy and most importantly the emergence of new life. 

Reverend Steve Waites, M.Th
Sacred Foundations, Inc.
Trustee, Instructor

Reverend Waites has spent a lifetime studying sacred geometry,
leylines and indigenous cultures and rituals.

We look forward to his upcoming articles on fractals.

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