Along a Coastal Road

Along a Coastal Road
Photo by Reverend Steve Waites

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Reflections upon the Season of summer

Summer usually associated with south and high noon within the context of the Medicine wheel, is normally viewed as the season of maximum growth, when all that is within the natural world comes to fruition, ripens and fulfills the promise first realized with the onset of Spring, which in itself was the time of new beginnings and fresh opportunities.

The festival of Summer Solstice or the longest day marks the pinnacle of the outward expansion of  life-sustaining energy, where we may choose to flow effortlessly and collectively into a period of completion and reflection thus gaining an understanding of our achievements within the sacred web of life.

Traditionally if we look back at European tradition, we find the first half of the season from April/May onward involved the intense labor of tending the crops and farm animals, working in the fields and orchards; all of which would hopefully be rewarded by a bountiful harvest.  

Therefore Midsummer day was welcomed as a chance to celebrate the blessing of the Sun God and more importantly kick back, relax and have fun, with such activities as Midsummer Bonfires, dancing in the streets, village fairs and various sporting events.

Nowadays, even though many live in cities we can still honor this event and the healing power of our nearest star by going out into nature during the long warm evenings, to enjoy hiking, biking or just strolling around the neighborhood and becoming one with the energetic flow and empowerment that surrounds us.  

As a heads up:- Just remember, sun screen and plenty of water may be a requirement, depending upon your specific circumstances and time of day!!

Reverend Steve Waites, M.Th
Sacred Foundations, Inc.
Trustee, Instructor

Reverend Waites has spent a lifetime studying sacred geometry,
ley-lines and indigenous cultures and rituals.