Along a Coastal Road

Along a Coastal Road
Photo by Reverend Steve Waites

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Springtime Meditation

God and Goddess of creativity, giver of life renewed, surround this sacred space in your divine love and protection.

The earth is reborn in spring time, buds burst forth with new life, as the Sun reaches higher into the sky.

All things are young, playful and full of promise as we ask that the warm breezes of renewal and rebirth empower us

Go within to uncover the quiet moments of grace and solitude as we breath into our very essence the spirit of this new season which holds so much promise for growth and understanding.

With this understanding,  We ask that our hearts be open to the beauty of creation and our minds be empowered with the awe and wonder that is our birthright and inheritance here upon our blessed mother Earth.

Blessed be.

Reverend Steve Waites, M.Th
Sacred Foundations, Inc.
Trustee, Instructor

Reverend Waites has spent a lifetime studying sacred geometry,
ley-lines and indigenous cultures and rituals.