Along a Coastal Road

Along a Coastal Road
Photo by Reverend Steve Waites

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Corrected Time and Date: Synchronized Meditation for US Election

Interesting Image

Synchronized Meditation for US Election

Corrected Time and Date:
November 6, 2016 7PM NY Time

The magic is in the details! I realized that we confused many people 
with the time and date of the Worldwide Synchronized Meditation to 
bring a positive pulse to the US Presidential Election. The actual day is 
Sunday, Nov. 6th at 7PM NY Time. We forgot to take into consideration 
the time change that morning. Please add this to your calendar and 
remember that there will be plenty of information coming out soon. 
We anticipate millions of people will be involved! That's how important 
this vigil is. Get ready.

Corrected Time and Date: Synchronized Meditation for US Election

Interesting Image

Synchronized Meditation for US Election

Corrected Time and Date:
November 6, 2016 7PM NY Time

The magic is in the details! I realized that we confused many people 
with the time and date of the Worldwide Synchronized Meditation to 
bring a positive pulse to the US Presidential Election. The actual day is 
Sunday, Nov. 6th at 7PM NY Time. We forgot to take into consideration 
the time change that morning. Please add this to your calendar and 
remember that there will be plenty of information coming out soon. 
We anticipate millions of people will be involved! That's how important 
this vigil is. Get ready.

Corrected Time and Date: Synchronized Meditation for US Election

Interesting Image

Synchronized Meditation for US Election

Corrected Time and Date:
November 6, 2016 7PM NY Time

The magic is in the details! I realized that we confused many people 
with the time and date of the Worldwide Synchronized Meditation to 
bring a positive pulse to the US Presidential Election. The actual day is 
Sunday, Nov. 6th at 7PM NY Time. We forgot to take into consideration 
the time change that morning. Please add this to your calendar and 
remember that there will be plenty of information coming out soon. 
We anticipate millions of people will be involved! That's how important 
this vigil is. Get ready.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Lifting the Soul of America


Synchronized Meditation for US Election

Nov. 5th, 2016 8PM NY Time

Join millions of people in a 15 minute meditation  
to bring a positive energy to the US Presidential 

In one month US citizens will make a decision that will impact  
everyone on the planet. It does not matter what political party  
you align with, or what country you are from. What does matter 
is that each one of us play our role in bringing positivity back to 
the most divisive election in US history. 

There will be events happening around 
the US on this day.

Most of them will culminate at 8PM NY time (5PM Pacific) when 
we are asking people to "Stop, Drop and Pray" for 15 minutes. 
There will be much more information in the next several weeks, 
BUT MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW. We will be offering many 
ways to share information on this gathering, and how you can join us. 
We are not endorsing any particular candidate, but only a massive 
movement to infuse the election with love and light. Stay tuned.

 James Twyman


Monday, October 3, 2016

October Asset of the Month


Young person and her or his parent(s) communicate positively, and young person is willing to seek advice and counsel from parent(s). 

This document is designed to help adults throughout Santa Clara County develop materials and activities to promote the asset of  
adult role models. 

Newsletter Content 

The following text may be used in organizational newsletters. Please include the attribution at the end of the article. 

The Importance of Positive Family Communication  

Young people who experience positive family communication experience   
higher self-esteem, decreased substance use, less anxiety and depression, and greater school engagement. However, in Santa Clara County,  
only 63% of 4th-6th grade students and 33% of 7th- 12th grade  students reported in Project Cornerstone’s 2011 survey that they and their parents communicate positively and that they are willing to seek advice from their parents. To help promote this valuable asset, October is Positive Family Communication month in Silicon Valley. 

For positive family communication to occur, all family members must be comfortable sharing their needs, wishes, and concerns in an honest and trusting environment without fear of rejection. Establishing positive communication when children are young may help keep the channel open in adolescence. No matter how old your children are,  
it’s never too late to start! 

The following questions can help your family. Encourage your child to answer these questions honestly: 
• Who do you enjoy talking with, and why? 
• What makes it easier to talk to family members, and what makes  
it more difficult?
• Which topics are easiest for you to talk about with your parents, and which are more difficult? Why? 

The communication skills that young people develop in their families help set the pattern of how they’ll communicate for the rest their lives. Teaching your children to communicate effectively  
with friends, teachers, co-workers, parents, peers, and others is a lasting legacy that parents can give to their children. 

This article was provided courtesy of Project Cornerstone’s Asset-a-Month program. For more information, visit


The activities below are a starting point to help adults find ways to show youth that they are valued and appreciated. 

For families 

• Create opportunities for unstructured communications. Sometimes the best conversations occur when you’re  
side-by-side instead of face-to-face, such as when you’re driving  
or working together in the kitchen. 
• At dinnertime, instead of asking “How was your day?” play  
Worst and Best, where everyone—including parents—takes turns sharing the worst thing and the best things that  
happened to them during the day. 
• Hold regular family meetings to check in with each other and discuss family issues like holidays or chores. Make sure everyone  
has an opportunity to participate. 
• Try having each parent set an “individual date” with each child where they spend time together away from home somewhere where they can talk, like a restaurant or coffee shop. This kind of  
one-to-one conversation makes it possible for a young person to discuss issues privately with their parent’s undivided attention. 
• Listen more than you talk. 
• Positive family communication isn’t just between parents and  
children—siblings should also be encouraged and supported to communicate with each other openly and effectively. 

 For all adults 
• Model positive, respectful  
communications at all times. 
• Talk to young people about the importance of family communication. 

At school or in youth programs 
• Send home a list of “conversation starters” with information about the value of positive family communication. (See Resources at the end of this document for suggested books.) • Assign homework that requires students to talk to parents or  
other family adults. 
• Create and deliver a unit on “family” that helps youth understand different kinds of families and appreciate their own. 


• The following books offer practical tips on creating and  
improving family communication: 
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk 
The Essential Guide to Talking with Teens 
Conversations on the Go: Clever Questions to Keep Teens  
and Grown-Ups Talking
 • The Parent Further web site covers several topics related to positive family communication, including tips on how to talk about emotions, developing listening skills, and the impact (positive and negative) of digital technologies on communication. 
For more information, visit

About the Asset-a-Month Program 

The goals of the Silicon Valley Asset-a-Month program 
are to help align adults throughout  our diverse community in their efforts to promote positive youth development by fostering developmental assets. For more information  about 
the Asset-a-Month program, contact Project Cornerstone at
(408) 351-6482 or

Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
President, Sacred Foundations, Inc.
