9 Life Altering Lessons:
Secrets of the Mystery Schools Unveiled, Kala Ambrose
ISBN 1934588032 Available on Kindle
For thousands of years, a select few attended ancient mystery schools and temples around the world. These schools taught the nature and destiny of mankind, the magical universe in which we reside and revealed powerful secrets regarding universal natural laws. Inscribed above the entrance to one such mystery school in ancient Greece were the words: "Man, Know Thyself." This simple phrase could take a lifetime to fully comprehend. Do you "remember" who you are and why you are here? It was these topics and others which were explored by brave souls who were willing to delve into the transformational teachings of the esoteric mystery schools.
In 9 Life Altering Lessons: Secrets of the Mystery School Unveiled, esoteric teacher Kala Ambrose brings some of the most important and relevant lessons to the modern world. Man still seeks answers to universal mysteries and desires to know their true nature and destiny on this earth. In this book, Kala discusses many of the ancient mystery school topics, which are designed to stir the soul, awaken the mind and reveal long forgotten memories of past lives in these schools, as well as inspire you to explore the magnificence of who you really are. Discover
your destiny and divine purpose in this lifetime, which is more than most living today can imagine! Kala takes you on a journey of self-discovery while discussing topics such as: The Long-Forgotten Destiny of Your Soul, The Hermetic Axiom of As Above So Below, Alchemical Transformations of the Heart, Body, and Mind,
The Self-Realization of "Man, Know Thyself,"
Enigmatic Journeys from Neophyte to Initiate of a Mystery School,
Transformational Teachings of Consciousness and Self-Realization,
Universal Truths from Ancient Esoteric Wisdom, Exploring the Magical Universe in Which We Reside, and Awakening to Your Divine Self and Sacred Power.
9 Life Altering Lessons offered by Kala at The Academy of Mystical Arts, taken from Kala, meets the requirement for A206 for those students who wish to study directly with Kala. As always the course taken directly from Sacred Foundations in book form is available from our catalog online.
All of Kala’s courses at The Academy of Mystical Arts http://exploreyourspirit.com/academy,
meet Sacred Foundations, Inc. CEU requirements for ministers.
For instructions on how to enroll for CEUs, please click on Partners on the Partners in Education Tab at www.sacredfoundations.net