Along a Coastal Road

Along a Coastal Road
Photo by Reverend Steve Waites

Monday, August 31, 2015

Developmental Asset of the Month – September

Developmental Asset of the Month – September


Parent(s) are actively involved in helping young people succeed in school.

The Importance of Parent Involvement in Schooling

Research shows that youth whose parents are actively involved in their schooling are more engaged in school. Students are less likely to be delinquent or drop out, and more likely to achieve higher grades and standardized test scores. Studies show that students from poor families whose parents are highly involved with their education do about as well as students from wealthier families.


Joyce Epstein of the National Network of Partnership Schools developed a framework for understanding six different kinds of parent involvement:

1. Parenting: families establish home environments that support children’s learning

2. Communicating: families and schools engage in effective two-way communications about student expectations and progress

3. Volunteering: parents directly support the classroom or school

4. Learning at home: families help students with homework and school-related decision making and planning

5. Decision making: parents are involved in school decisions

6. Community collaboration: community services are resources integrated to strengthen schools and families Parents whose schedules don’t allow volunteering can still support their children’s academic success through parenting, communication, and learning at home.


Unfortunately, Project Cornerstone’s 2011 survey revealed that only 52% of 4th-6th graders and 35% of 7th-12th graders reported that their parents are involved in their education. To help raise awareness of this important asset, September is Parent Involvement in Schooling month in Silicon Valley. The following discussion topics can help you talk with young people about ways that their parents can be involved with their education:


• What do your parents do that let you know they care about your education? What could they do to be more supportive?

• What information about school is important to share with your family? What kind of information would you prefer not to share?

• What advice would you give a family who’s new to your school?

• Some workplaces have a “Shadow Day,” where youth follow an employee and learn what their day is like. If you could have a Shadow Day at school where your parents followed you throughout your day, what you want them to see?

This article was provided courtesy of Project Cornerstone’s Asset-a-Month program. For more information, visit


The activities below are a starting point to help create greater parent involvement in schooling.


For families

• Make a point of staying in touch with your children’s teachers, even if your kids aren’t having problems. Most teachers are glad to communicate with you after school hours by telephone or email.

• Make sure that your kids have a clean and organized location to do their homework, and help them establish a regular schedule for schoolwork.

• Instead of asking “How was your day?” ask open-ended questions like “What was the best part of your day?” and “Did any of your classmates do anything funny?”

• Help your children maintain a positive attitude about school. Make sure they know that you will be their advocate to resolve any problems or challenges that they encounter.


For school administrators

• The benefits of parent engagement apply to children from all backgrounds. Parent engagement is typically highest in middle-class families where the parents were successful in school. Schools should create thoughtful outreach and support strategies that show respect and value for the contributions of all children and families.

• Linguistic and cultural barriers can make it difficult for non-English-speaking parents to be engaged in their children’s education. Make sure that families who do not speak English understand that their involvement and participation is welcome and encouraged. Ensure families that a translator is present at all school events. Try to make sure that written communications are provided in the parents’ language.

• Make sure that faculty are fully aware of the importance of parent involvement for all students. Encourage them to create meaningful chances for parents with diverse backgrounds to participate through programs that value their unique knowledge, background, and skills.


For teachers

• Make an effort to start two-way communication with all families, and let families know that their concerns are important to you.

• If parents volunteer in your classroom, make sure that they are fully prepared for their projects. If they work directly with students, let them know what to do if a child is difficult or uncooperative. Make sure they understand how to provide positive, helpful assistance for mistakes as well as effective praise. You may wish to coach students in advance if they’ll be working with a volunteer to make the process smoother for everyone.

• Create homework projects that involve the entire family. Be sure to include all supplies as well as clear, easy-to-understand directions in the primary language spoken at home as well as in English.


In youth programs

• Make sure that programs are not scheduled at the same time as school events.

• Provide childcare on evenings such as Back-to-School Nights when parents are expected to attend without their children.

• If youth complete their homework while in your program, make sure that parents are aware of any issues where students are struggling. Use every opportunity to remind parents of the importance of monitoring their children’s homework.

• Create programs that support parent involvement in their children’s education, such as “Family Reading Nights” or “Math Fun Nights.”



• Project Cornerstone offers parent engagement programs in schools throughout Silicon Valley. These programs are offered in both Spanish and English. Parents are provided with an opportunity to build developmental assets in their own children as well as other students in their classroom. Parents share asset-building stories and lead activities and discussions. The Spanish-language Los Dichos program opens new doors for Spanish speaking parents. While supporting their children’s education they are building greater positive ethnic identity and cultural experience throughout their schools. For more information on other cultural programs available, contact Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482 or

• Families in Schools is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to involve parents and communities in their children’s education to achieve lifelong success. Their web site offers a wealth of resources in English and Spanish to help families, communities, and schools effectively increase parent involvement. For more information, visit

• Joyce Epstein’s framework for parent involvement can help administrators, teachers, and parents understand the different ways that families can be involved and provide a starting point for creating effective parent engagement at a school. The framework and links to information about practices, challenges, and results can be found at


About the Asset-a-Month Program

The goals of the Silicon Valley Asset-a-Month program are to help align adults throughout our diverse community in their efforts to promote positive youth development by fostering developmental assets. For more information about the Asset-a-Month program, contact Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482 or

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Developmental Asset of the Month - August

When a young person experiences caring neighbors. 

Newsletter Content 
This document is designed to help adults throughout Silicon Valley develop materials and activities to promote the asset of adult role models. Newsletter Content The following text may be used in organizational newsletters. 

Please include the attribution at the end of the article. 

The Importance of a Caring Neighborhood 
Research shows that youth who reside in caring neighborhoods  
have higher grades, better self-esteem, reduced crime, and less drug use. 
And, caring neighborhoods are safer: a study of 343 Chicago neighborhoods  
discovered that in a caring community, youth experience fewer acts of school absence, graffiti, and violence. Other benefits of a strong neighborhood include a greater sense of community and easier conflict resolution among neighbors. A caring neighborhood creates a better environment for everyone regardless of age. 

Unfortunately, in Project Cornerstone’s 2011 survey,  
only 52% of 4th-6th graders and 37% of 7th - 12th graders reported 
that they feel that their neighborhood is caring. To help raise awareness of this important asset, August is Caring Neighborhood month in Silicon Valley. The following discussion topics can help you work with young people to become aware of the ways that their neighborhood is caring and identify possible opportunities for improvement.
 • Which adults “keep an eye” on neighborhood kids when they’re playing outside to help keep them safe? 
• Which adults and families in the neighborhood can you turn to for help in case of an emergency? Help your family identify a “safe house” on every nearby block where they can go if they need help. 
• Which adults and families should you get to know better?  
How might you approach them? 
• Are there any neighbors who might benefit from assistance such as a senior citizen who may need help with their yard work, carrying groceries, or taking their trash and recycling to the curb? 

This article was provided courtesy of Project Cornerstone’s  
Asset-a-Month program. For more information, visit


The activities below are a starting point to help create caring neighborhoods. 

For families 
• Make an effort to get to know your neighbors, and help your children understand the importance of strong neighborhood bonds. Encourage your children to share toys or activities with other kids on the block. 
• Invite another family to go with you when you walk your dog or ask if you can join a family when they walk theirs. 
• With your children, make a map of your street and write down names and a few facts about each neighbor. 
• Volunteer to house and pet-sit when your neighbors go out of town. 
• Throw a neighborhood party! Invite everyone on the block for food, fun, games, and the opportunity to get to know each other better. Be sure to plan activities for youth of all ages. 

For all adults 
• Learn the names and interests of the kids in your neighborhood, and find areas that you have in common. Offer to teach a new skill or ask  
the young person to teach you. 
• Let families know that your home represents a “safe house” where their children can come if they need help. 
• “Check in” with children and youth who are playing outside, to help  
them stay safe. 
• Establish an emergency contact list for neighbors so that everyone can be reached in case of an urgent matter. 
• Volunteer to pick up a neighbor’s children from school or programs. 
• Treat neighbors of all ages with courtesy and respect. 
• Attend a game, play, or event in which a neighborhood youth is participating.
• Be aware of graduations and other major events in children’s lives. 
• Create an email list or online group for neighbors. This is an easy way to share announcements, invitations, plans, and concerns. 
• Support local youth in their fundraisers. Even if you don’t care for cookies, candy, wrapping paper, or the other items that the children are selling, your support of their activities shows that you value their goals and efforts. 

At school or in youth programs 
• Schools, religious organizations, and youth programs can help create a sense of community in the neighborhood. Visit with your immediate neighbors to help them understand your programs and enlist their help in keeping children and youth safe. 
• Hold events for the neighborhood, such as a Halloween carnival or ‘open house’ with children’s activities. Neighbors can learn about your programs and visit with each other. 
• Develop a service project where youth in your programs volunteer in the nearby neighborhood, such as picking up litter or assisting the  
elderly with chores. 
• Discuss ways that youth can create a caring community in their  
own neighborhoods.

• National Night Out is an annual event involving citizens, law enforcement agencies, civic groups, businesses, neighborhood organizations and local officials from thousands of communities in the United States and Canada. For more information,  
• The National Neighborhood Watch Program pairs neighborhood groups and law enforcement to work together to create safe communities. For more information, visit 
• Ian Chamandy of Portland, Oregon has created a detailed manual titled “How To Throw A Great Street/Block Party And Transform  
Your Neighborhood Into A Tight-Knit Community,” which covers a range 
of activities before, during,  and after the party that ensure a successful event.  
To view the manual,  visit and click the  
link to download the manual. 

About the Asset-a-Month Program 
The goals of the Silicon Valley Asset-a-Month program are to help  
align adults throughout our diverse community in their efforts to  
promote positive  youth development by fostering developmental assets. For more information about the Asset-a-Month program,  
contact Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482 or

Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
Sacred Foundations, Inc. 
Spiritual Center and School of Divinity

Phone/Fax 877-877-4275