Along a Coastal Road

Along a Coastal Road
Photo by Reverend Steve Waites

Thursday, December 31, 2015

January 2016 Asset of the Month Adult Role Modes

Developmental Asset of the Month – January 

Parents and other adults model positive, responsible behavior

When we reflect back on the experiences that shaped us when we were young, we often remember a special adult in our lives. It might have been a teacher, coach, older relative, community member, or other caring adult that made a big impact on us. We see these role models as being important in shaping our lives. And that’s no surprise—research shows that positive adult role models have a tremendous impact on young people and can have the following benefits:

• Higher levels of self esteem
• Reduced use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and hard drugs
• Improved high school graduation rates
• Greater aspirations and expectations for their careers

Unfortunately, many youth in Silicon Valley don’t have the adult role 
models that they need to thrive—in Project Cornerstone’s 2011 survey,  
only 52% of 4th-6th graders and 30% of 7th 12th graders reported the presence of positive adult role models in their lives. To help address this problem, 
January is Adult Role Model month in Silicon Valley.

A positive role model doesn’t have to have any special skills—you don’t have to be a sports hero or a billionaire for youth to look up to you. In fact, most youth who said that they had role models identified them as caring friends and relatives. Every single one of us has the potential to make a difference in the lives  
of young people—all that matters is being willing to take the time to get to know a young person and let them get to know you, and to share your experience and knowledge. The following discussion topics can help young people recognize the role models that influence their lives:

• What’s the difference between a hero and a role model?
• Are celebrities like sports stars, actors, and musicians good role models?  
  Why or why not?
• Which adults whom you know do you admire? Why?
• What have you learned from adults that has helped or inspired you?
• What would you like to be able to talk about more with adults?

Activities For all adults

• Make a point of talking about people you admire or who had a positive influence on you, and why. Ask a young person to do the same.
• Share stories and experiences that reflect positive values, such as when a friend treated you with honesty or a coworker behaved responsibly. This can help young people develop a better understanding of their own values and how to act in different situations.
• Take the time to pass on your special skills. Youth often appreciate the opportunity to learn new skills, even if they’ve never been exposed to them before.
• In conversation, provide opportunities for youth to discuss their view of the world.
• Model integrity by following through on any commitments that you make, especially with young people.
• Demonstrate positive responses to difficult situations, such as offering a sincere apology when appropriate, or trying again when you fail to achieve a goal. 

Activities for adults who work directly with youth 

Adults who work with young people are potential role models; it’s up to you to demonstrate the positive behaviors that will be expected of adults:
• Model hard work, a positive attitude, and respect for others. Avoid making negative comments about coworkers, sports teams and players, and others with whom you compare yourself or compete.
• Be sure that you and your staff “walk your talk” by modeling respect 
and trust among coworkers. At school or in youth programs
• Throughout the month, discuss the importance of role models and  
what qualities are important
• Have youth make a role model collage: First, have participants collect or create pictures and drawings of their role models. Then, have them cut out words or phrases that describe these role models from magazines and newspapers, or write the words or phrases themselves. Finally, glue the images and words onto construction paper or poster board, and hang the collage where the youth can be inspired by their creation each day.
• Help youth identify the difference between positive and negative role models in the media: First, hang two pieces of newsprint or poster board on the wall. Label one “Positive Role Models” and the other “Negative Role Models.” Hand out different kinds of recent magazines and newspapers, including teen, news, sports, and entertainment magazines. Ask youth to cut out pictures of news-makers and celebrities, and tape or glue the pictures under the appropriate category. Discuss who they chose and why; whether some of the people could appear in both categories; and how to judge whether a celebrity or  news-maker 
is a good role model.
• Discuss ways that the youth can be role models for younger children at school or in the program, and create opportunities for the older youth to spend positive time with the younger children, such as reading together or  
working together on projects.

This article was provided courtesy of Project Cornerstone’s  
Asset-a-Month program.
Project Cornerstone is the Silicon Valley initiative to train and mobilize adults countywide to intentionally develop healthy, caring, and responsible children and youth. For more information, visit

Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
President Sacred Foundations, Inc.

Phone/Fax 977-877-4275

Monday, November 30, 2015

Developmental Asset of the Month – December

A child's family provides high levels of love and support.

This document is designed to help adults throughout Santa Clara County develop materials and activities to promote the asset of adult role models.

Newsletter Content
The following text may be used in organizational newsletters. Please include the attribution at the end of the article.

The Importance of Family Support
Family support refers to the ways that parents, siblings, and extended family show love, encouragement, and comfort to each other. Families are the cornerstone of the social support system for youth. A 2011 survey of Santa Clara County youth reveals that while younger youth generally experience and are aware of family support, teenagers do so much less often: 88% of 4th-6th graders reported family support while only 69% of middle- and high school students reported the asset.

Because adolescents require greater autonomy and independence than younger children, effective family support for older youth takes a different form than in earlier years; however, their need for their families is still strong. Adults are challenged to find a balance between giving youth the support they need to navigate their adolescence and the independence they need to develop as individuals.

In their book, Parenting Teens with Love and Logic, Foster Cline, M.D. and Jim Fay discuss the transition from parenting younger children—who typically require guidance and firm limits—to parenting adolescents, who benefit most from the freedom to make their own decisions within the boundaries of safe, reasonable limits. According to Cline and Fay, effective parenting in the teenage years requires clearly communicating expectations and consequences while allowing youth to make their own decisions and “own” the results…even if their choices are not the ones that we would have preferred.

The following discussion topics can be used to open a dialogue with young people about the ways that they experience family support:
• Does your family provide support in a way that’s meaningful and easy for you to recognize? Why or why not?
• Do you and your parents treat each other with the same kindness and dignity that you’d expect from your friends?
• Does your family do things together on a regular basis? Are there any activities that you’d like to share (or be willing to share) with your family?
One of the most important things to realize about providing family support to older children is that they need the love and support every bit as much as younger children do, even if they claim that they don’t. Although it can be challenging to remain connected to preteens and teenagers, the benefits of doing so are immense.

This article was provided courtesy of Project Cornerstone’s  
Asset-a-Month program.

For more information, visit


The activities below offer a starting 
point to help build and strengthen 
the asset of family support.

For families
• Make family rules together, and agree on rewards for following  the rules and consequences for breaking them.
• Try to eat at least one meal together every day, and set aside at  least one evening or weekend day for the family to spend together  in a pastime that everyone enjoys or finds valuable. Make the  effort to maintain these traditions and rituals even if your children  complain about them when they’re older.
• Be sure to recognize your children’s unique talents and  encourage their interests, even when they don’t match yours.  For example, if they’re interested in animation, check to see if  there’s a convention or film festival in your region that you 
 can attend together.
• Look your children in the eyes when you talk to them, and give  them all of your attention in conversation.
• Be empathetic about their struggles and concerns—  no matter how silly or trivial their problems seem to you, they  
 are significant to your children.
• Praise your children for doing a good job and point out when  
 they’re being helpful.
• At least once a day, try to express that you appreciate and  
 care about your children.
• Be affectionate, but respect their space; older children especially  may be uncomfortable about displays of affection in front 
 of non-family members.

For all adults
• Talk with young people about their families and point out the  ways that the children are supported and loved. Similarly,  
 when you speak with parents, take the time to notice and praise  
 their efforts at providing family  support for their children.
• If you’re an employer, help your staff provide emotional  support for their families through release time, sick leave, and  creating a positive environment where employees don’t feel that   having children is a liability at their job. 
• Sponsor activities and events in which the entire family can participate—for example, a picnic or carnival instead of a happy hour. 

In schools and youth programs
• Deliver a unit on families to help young people appreciate  
 and respect all kinds of families.
• Schedule events that bring families together, like open  
houses or family game nights.
• If possible, schedule speakers and workshops on family  
life and associated issues.
• Be sure that your staff recognition and acknowledgment of non-traditional families in which a child’s primary caretakers  
may not be their biological parents.

• Project Cornerstone’s Take It Personally is a six-week workshop for adults that focuses on ways that parents  and all adults can be more effective and intentional in building  assets in young people’s lives. For information on scheduling  
Take It Personally at your site, 
contact Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482.
• “Family camps” are a great way for families to spend time together in a relaxing outdoor environment. Check with your city, YMCA, or faith community to see when family camps are offered.
• Some good books about providing meaningful support to  older children include Parenting Preteens with a  Purpose: Navigating the Middle Years by Kate Thomsen, M.S., C.A.S.;  Why Do They Act That Way? by David Walsh, Ph.D.;  How to Talk So Teens Will Listen & Listen So Teens Will Talk  by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish; and Parenting at the Speed of Teens,  published by Search Institute.

About the Asset-a-Month Program
The goals of the Silicon Valley Asset-a-Month program  
are to help align adults  throughout our diverse community in their efforts to promote positive youth development by fostering developmental assets. For more information about the Asset-a-Month program, contact 
Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482 or

Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
Sacred Foundations, Inc.
Spiritual  Center and School of Divinity

Phone/Fax 877-877-4275

Monday, October 26, 2015

Developmental Asset of the Month – November


Photograph by Reverend Steve Waites
Young people feel comfortable with and proud of their identity, including but not limited to disabilities, ethnicity, faith/religion, family status, gender, language, and sexual orientation.

This document is designed to help adults throughout Silicon Valley develop materials and activities to promote the asset of adult role models.

Newsletter Content

The following text may be used in organizational newsletters. Please include the attribution at the end of the article.

The Importance of Positive Cultural Identity

It is important for youth to feel that they belong. Positive identity brings   
self-assurance, a sense of belonging, a positive view of personal future,  
and better success in school.

Developing a positive cultural identity—a critical element of personal identity—can be difficult for young people, especially when they may be bridging
more than one culture. The way that youth are treated in regard to their  
ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender directly affects their ability to develop a positive personal identity. 
As adults, it’s critical that we model recognition, understanding,  
and celebrating all cultural identities, including the cultures to which we and/or our children do not belong.
Sharing and celebrating different cultural identities increases self-esteem and promotes cultural competence among all young people.  
The diversity of Silicon Valley is a benefit to our youth as they are exposed to many different cultures.

Photograph by Reverend Steve Waites
The following discussion topics* can help families talk about their cultural identity:
• What is our cultural background?
• What are some things that you value about our culture?
• What are some things about our culture that you would like  
 other people to know?
• Do you know anyone who’s from a different culture?  In what ways are your cultures similar and different?  Do your cultural differences make it difficult to be friends?  How can you share your cultural differences in a positive, nonjudgmental way?
 *Adapted from the Canadian Child Care Federation’s  
“Supporting Our Children’s Social Well-Being…It’s a Team Effort!” workshop

This article was provided courtesy of Project Cornerstone’s Asset-a-Month program. For more information, visit


The activities below provide ways to build a positive cultural identity in youth.

For families

• Make sure that your children learn the story  of where they come from—including both
family history and the history of their heritage—from an early age.
• Even very young children are aware of racial  and cultural differences among people.
Address the issues of stereotypes, myths, and  cultural differences in a positive, age-appropriate manner.
• It’s normal for young people to explore different aspects of personal identity, including cultural identity. Children, whose parents promote a positive cultural identity, while allowing them the freedom to explore, tend to develop a healthy personal identity.
• Some elements of a child’s identity—such as sexual orientation—might not be shared in common with the rest of the family. Parents should make special efforts to ensure that everyone feels understood, respected, valued, safe, and loved within the family.

For all adults

• Serve as a mentor for youth from your culture. They will benefit from learning how to successfully maintain a positive cultural identity from someone outside their family.
• Help your children maintain a positive attitude about school, and make sure they know that you will be their advocate to resolve any problems or challenges that they encounter.
• Adults should be careful to strike a balance between celebrating the youth’s difference and including the youth as part of the group as a whole. Sometimes, focusing too much on a youth’s differences—no matter how good the intention—can further isolate youth from their peers.

In schools and youth programs

• Support home languages as much as possible. Children who are bilingual in their home language and English tend to maintain a positive connection with their families and cultural communities.
• All students need to be valued and appreciated for their unique characteristics regularly. Be aware of the cultural diversity in your classroom or program, and try to understand its dimensions.
• Make a personal effort to learn about the culture of the youth in your classroom or program. For example, students from cultures where children are not expected to ask questions of adults may have difficulty letting you know when they don’t understand the lesson. Help students understand the culture of your class or program without devaluing their cultures of origin.
• Young people can discover and share their cultural identity through lessons and projects that highlight their cultures and experiences while engaging them in active learning. For example, develop lessons and activities around the gifts that different cultures have given the world, and discuss how “cultural borrowing” allows everyone to thrive.
• Sometimes even the most innocent activities can be exclusionary. For example, a celebration of “Crazy Hair Day” may exclude youth whose religion requires that they cover their heads. Be sure that your planned programs and activities take everyone’s culture into account.


• Project Cornerstone’s Los Dichos  
program provides a literature-based 
parent engagement curriculum 
and comprehensive asset-building  
training in schools throughout Silicon Valley. 

This program provides opportunities for parents from different cultures  
to build a positive cultural identity in their own children and others 
from the same culture while building greater cultural competence for the entire class. For more information, contact Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482.

• Families with multiracial children can face unique challenges in helping their child develop a positive cultural identity. Many resources are available online for families to support multiracial children: 
· American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 

• Families who have adopted children from other cultures may face  
unique challenges in promoting positive cultural identity. Several resources exist to support multicultural families, including:
·,  which offers parenting tips to help develop stable, happy  children with a strong sense of cultural identity.

About the Asset-a-Month Program
The goals of the Silicon Valley Asset-a-Month program are to help align adults throughout our diverse community in their efforts to promote positive youth development by fostering developmental assets. For more information about the  
Asset-a-Month program, contact Project Cornerstone  
at (408) 351-6482 or  

Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
President, Sacred Foundations, Inc.

Phone/Fax 877-877-4275

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New Addition to the Associate of Divinity Program!

9 Life Altering Lessons: 
Secrets of the Mystery Schools Unveiled, Kala Ambrose
ISBN 1934588032 Available on Kindle

For thousands of years, a select few attended ancient mystery schools and temples around the world. These schools taught the nature and destiny of mankind, the magical universe in which we reside and revealed powerful secrets regarding universal natural laws. Inscribed above the entrance to one such mystery school in ancient Greece were the words: "Man, Know Thyself." This simple phrase could take a lifetime to fully comprehend. Do you "remember" who you are and why you are here? It was these topics and others which were explored by brave souls who were willing to delve into the transformational teachings of the esoteric mystery schools.

In 9 Life Altering Lessons: Secrets of the Mystery School Unveiled, esoteric teacher Kala Ambrose brings some of the most important and relevant lessons to the modern world. Man still seeks answers to universal mysteries and desires to know their true nature and destiny on this earth. In this book, Kala discusses many of the ancient mystery school topics, which are designed to stir the soul, awaken the mind and reveal long forgotten memories of past lives in these schools, as well as inspire you to explore the magnificence of who you really are. Discover

your destiny and divine purpose in this lifetime, which is more than most living today can imagine! Kala takes you on a journey of self-discovery while discussing topics such as: The Long-Forgotten Destiny of Your Soul, The Hermetic Axiom of As Above So Below, Alchemical Transformations of the Heart, Body, and Mind,

The Self-Realization of "Man, Know Thyself,"

Enigmatic Journeys from Neophyte to Initiate of a Mystery School,

Transformational Teachings of Consciousness and Self-Realization,

Universal Truths from Ancient Esoteric Wisdom, Exploring the Magical Universe in Which We Reside, and Awakening to Your Divine Self and Sacred Power.

9 Life Altering Lessons offered by Kala at The Academy of Mystical Arts, taken from Kala, meets the requirement for A206 for those students who wish to study directly with Kala. As always the course taken directly from Sacred Foundations in book form is available from our catalog online.

All of Kala’s courses at The Academy of Mystical Arts
meet Sacred Foundations, Inc. CEU requirements for ministers
For instructions on how to enroll for CEUs, please click on Partners on the Partners in Education Tab at

Developmental Asset of the Month – October

When a young person and her or his parent(s) communicate positively, and 
young person is willing to seek advice and counsel from parent(s). 

This document is designed to help adults throughout Santa Clara County 
develop materials and activities to promote the asset of adult role models. 

Newsletter Content 
The following text may be used in organizational newsletters. Please 
include the attribution at the end of the article. 

The Importance of Positive Family Communication 
Young people who experience positive family communication experience 
higher self-esteem, decreased substance use, less anxiety and depression, 
and greater school engagement. However, in Santa Clara County, 
only 63% of 4th-6th grade students and 33% of 7th- 12th-grade students 
reported in Project Cornerstone’s 2011 survey that they and their parents  
communicate positively and that they are willing to seek advice from their parents. To help promote this valuable asset, October is Positive Family Communication month in Silicon Valley. 

For positive family communication to occur, all family members must be comfortable sharing their needs, wishes, and concerns in an honest and trusting environment without fear of rejection. Establishing positive communication when children are young may help keep the channel open in adolescence. No matter how old your children are, it’s never too late to start! 

The following questions can help your family. Encourage your child to  answer these questions honestly: 
• Who do you enjoy talking with, and why? 
• What makes it easier to talk to family members, 
and what makes it more difficult?
• Which topics are easiest for you to talk about with your parents, and which are more difficult? Why? 

The communication skills that young people develop in their families help set the pattern of how they’ll communicate for the rest their lives. Teaching your children to communicate effectively with friends, teachers, coworkers, parents, peers, and others is a lasting legacy that parents can give to their children. 

This article was provided courtesy of Project Cornerstone’s Asset-a-Month program. For more information, visit


The activities below are a starting point to help adults find ways to show youth that they are valued and appreciated. 

For families 
• Create opportunities for unstructured communications. Sometimes the best conversations occur when you’re side-by-side instead of 
face-to-face, such as when you’re driving or working together in the kitchen. 
• At dinnertime, instead of asking “How was your day?” play Worst and Best, 
where everyone, including parents, take turns sharing the worst thing and the best things that happened to them during the day. 
• Hold regular family meetings to check in with each other and discuss family issues like holidays or chores. Make sure everyone has an  
opportunity to participate. 
• Try having each parent set an “individual date” with each child where they spend time together away from home somewhere where they can talk, like a restaurant or coffee shop. 
This kind of one to one conversation makes it possible for a young person to discuss issues privately with their parent’s undivided attention. 
• Listen more than you talk. 
• Positive family communication isn’t just between parents, children and siblings should also be encouraged and supported to communicate with each other openly and effectively. 

For all adults 
• Model positive, respectful communications at all times. 
• Talk to young people about the importance of family communication. 

At school or in youth programs 
• Send home a list of “conversation starters” with information about the value of positive family communication. (See Resources at the end of this document for suggested books.) • Assign homework that requires students to talk to parents or other family adults. 
• Create and deliver a unit on “family” that helps youth understand different kinds of families and appreciate their own. 

• The following books offer practical tips on creating and improving family  
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk 
The Essential Guide to Talking with Teens 
Conversations on the Go: Clever Questions to Keep Teens and  Grown-Ups Talking
 • The Parent Further website covers several topics related to positive family communication, including tips on how to talk about emotions, developing listening skills, and the impact (positive and negative) of digital technologies on communication. For more information,  

About the Asset-a-Month Program 
The goals of the Silicon Valley Asset-a-Month program are to help align adults throughout our diverse community in their efforts to promote positive youth development by fostering developmental assets. For more information about the Asset-a-Month program, contact Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482 or

Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
President Sacred Foundations, Inc.
Spiritual Center and School of Divinity

Phone/Fax 877-877-4275

Monday, August 31, 2015

Developmental Asset of the Month – September

Developmental Asset of the Month – September


Parent(s) are actively involved in helping young people succeed in school.

The Importance of Parent Involvement in Schooling

Research shows that youth whose parents are actively involved in their schooling are more engaged in school. Students are less likely to be delinquent or drop out, and more likely to achieve higher grades and standardized test scores. Studies show that students from poor families whose parents are highly involved with their education do about as well as students from wealthier families.


Joyce Epstein of the National Network of Partnership Schools developed a framework for understanding six different kinds of parent involvement:

1. Parenting: families establish home environments that support children’s learning

2. Communicating: families and schools engage in effective two-way communications about student expectations and progress

3. Volunteering: parents directly support the classroom or school

4. Learning at home: families help students with homework and school-related decision making and planning

5. Decision making: parents are involved in school decisions

6. Community collaboration: community services are resources integrated to strengthen schools and families Parents whose schedules don’t allow volunteering can still support their children’s academic success through parenting, communication, and learning at home.


Unfortunately, Project Cornerstone’s 2011 survey revealed that only 52% of 4th-6th graders and 35% of 7th-12th graders reported that their parents are involved in their education. To help raise awareness of this important asset, September is Parent Involvement in Schooling month in Silicon Valley. The following discussion topics can help you talk with young people about ways that their parents can be involved with their education:


• What do your parents do that let you know they care about your education? What could they do to be more supportive?

• What information about school is important to share with your family? What kind of information would you prefer not to share?

• What advice would you give a family who’s new to your school?

• Some workplaces have a “Shadow Day,” where youth follow an employee and learn what their day is like. If you could have a Shadow Day at school where your parents followed you throughout your day, what you want them to see?

This article was provided courtesy of Project Cornerstone’s Asset-a-Month program. For more information, visit


The activities below are a starting point to help create greater parent involvement in schooling.


For families

• Make a point of staying in touch with your children’s teachers, even if your kids aren’t having problems. Most teachers are glad to communicate with you after school hours by telephone or email.

• Make sure that your kids have a clean and organized location to do their homework, and help them establish a regular schedule for schoolwork.

• Instead of asking “How was your day?” ask open-ended questions like “What was the best part of your day?” and “Did any of your classmates do anything funny?”

• Help your children maintain a positive attitude about school. Make sure they know that you will be their advocate to resolve any problems or challenges that they encounter.


For school administrators

• The benefits of parent engagement apply to children from all backgrounds. Parent engagement is typically highest in middle-class families where the parents were successful in school. Schools should create thoughtful outreach and support strategies that show respect and value for the contributions of all children and families.

• Linguistic and cultural barriers can make it difficult for non-English-speaking parents to be engaged in their children’s education. Make sure that families who do not speak English understand that their involvement and participation is welcome and encouraged. Ensure families that a translator is present at all school events. Try to make sure that written communications are provided in the parents’ language.

• Make sure that faculty are fully aware of the importance of parent involvement for all students. Encourage them to create meaningful chances for parents with diverse backgrounds to participate through programs that value their unique knowledge, background, and skills.


For teachers

• Make an effort to start two-way communication with all families, and let families know that their concerns are important to you.

• If parents volunteer in your classroom, make sure that they are fully prepared for their projects. If they work directly with students, let them know what to do if a child is difficult or uncooperative. Make sure they understand how to provide positive, helpful assistance for mistakes as well as effective praise. You may wish to coach students in advance if they’ll be working with a volunteer to make the process smoother for everyone.

• Create homework projects that involve the entire family. Be sure to include all supplies as well as clear, easy-to-understand directions in the primary language spoken at home as well as in English.


In youth programs

• Make sure that programs are not scheduled at the same time as school events.

• Provide childcare on evenings such as Back-to-School Nights when parents are expected to attend without their children.

• If youth complete their homework while in your program, make sure that parents are aware of any issues where students are struggling. Use every opportunity to remind parents of the importance of monitoring their children’s homework.

• Create programs that support parent involvement in their children’s education, such as “Family Reading Nights” or “Math Fun Nights.”



• Project Cornerstone offers parent engagement programs in schools throughout Silicon Valley. These programs are offered in both Spanish and English. Parents are provided with an opportunity to build developmental assets in their own children as well as other students in their classroom. Parents share asset-building stories and lead activities and discussions. The Spanish-language Los Dichos program opens new doors for Spanish speaking parents. While supporting their children’s education they are building greater positive ethnic identity and cultural experience throughout their schools. For more information on other cultural programs available, contact Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482 or

• Families in Schools is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to involve parents and communities in their children’s education to achieve lifelong success. Their web site offers a wealth of resources in English and Spanish to help families, communities, and schools effectively increase parent involvement. For more information, visit

• Joyce Epstein’s framework for parent involvement can help administrators, teachers, and parents understand the different ways that families can be involved and provide a starting point for creating effective parent engagement at a school. The framework and links to information about practices, challenges, and results can be found at


About the Asset-a-Month Program

The goals of the Silicon Valley Asset-a-Month program are to help align adults throughout our diverse community in their efforts to promote positive youth development by fostering developmental assets. For more information about the Asset-a-Month program, contact Project Cornerstone at (408) 351-6482 or